Source code for mayatools.context


Context managers for restoring state after running requested tools.

These are generally quite useful for creating tools which must modify state that
is normally under control of the user. By using these, the state will be set
back to what the user left it at.

For example, several of Maya's tools work easiest when they are operating on
the current selection, but that selection is not something that we want to
expose to the user of our higher level tool.


import contextlib
import functools

from uitools.qt import QtGui, QtCore

from maya import cmds, mel

[docs]def attrs(*args, **kwargs): """Change some attributes, and reset them when leaving the context. :param args: Mappings of attributes to values. :param kwargs: More attributes and values. :returns: A dictionary of the original values will be bound to the target of the with statement. Changed to that dictionary will be applied. This is very for tools that must modify global state:: >>> with mayatools.context.attrs({'defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat': 8}): ... # Playblast with confidence that the render globals will be reset. """ # Collect all the arguments. for arg in args: kwargs.update(arg) existing = {} try: # Set all of the requested attributes. for name, value in kwargs.iteritems(): existing[name] = cmds.getAttr(name) kw = {} if isinstance(value, basestring): kw['type'] = 'string' cmds.setAttr(name, value, **kw) yield existing finally: # Reset them back to normal. for name, value in existing.iteritems(): kw = {} if isinstance(value, basestring): kw['type'] = 'string' cmds.setAttr(name, value, **kw)
[docs]def command(func, *args, **kwargs): """A context manager that uses the standard query interface. Pass any values via keyword arguments and their original values will be saved via ``func(*args, query=True, yourAttribute=True)``, and finally restored via ``func(*args, yourAttribute=original)`` or ``func(*args, edit=True, yourAttribute=original)`` if you also specify ``edit=True``. :param func: A callable, or name of a Maya command. :param args: Positional arguments for the given ``func``. :param kwargs: Values to set within the context. ``edit`` is special and marks if values should be set with an ``edit`` flag or not. A dictionary of the original values will be bound to the target of the with statement. Changed to that dictionary will be applied. If you are already using a query pattern like:: >>> current_time_unit = cmds.currentUnit(time) >>> cmds.currentUnit(time='film') >>> >>> try: ... # Do something. ... finally: ... cmds.currentUnit(time=current_time_unit) then you can use this manager directly:: >>> with command(cmds.currentUnit, time='film') as originals: ... # Do something. or as a context manager factory:: >>> currentUnit = command(cmds.currentUnit) >>> with currentUnit(time='film') as originals: ... # Do something. If your command requires the ``edit`` keyword, pass it to this function:: >>> with ctx.command(, my_camera, edit=True, overscan=1): ... # Do something with the camera. """ if args or kwargs: return _command(func, *args, **kwargs) else: return functools.partial(_command, func)
@contextlib.contextmanager def _command(func, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(func, basestring): func = getattr(cmds, func) edit = bool(kwargs.pop('edit', None)) existing = {} try: # Set the requested parameters. for name, value in kwargs.iteritems(): existing[name] = func(*args, query=True, **{name: True}) if edit: func(*args, edit=True, **{name: value}) else: func(*args, **{name: value}) yield existing finally: # Reset them back to normal. for name, value in existing.iteritems(): if edit: func(*args, edit=True, **{name: value}) else: func(*args, **{name: value}) @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs]def selection(*args, **kwargs): """A context manager that resets selections after exiting. :param args: Passed to ````. :param kwargs: Passed to ````. A list of the original selection will be bound to the target of the with statement. Changes to that list will be applied. Example:: >>> with selection(clear=True): ... # Do something with an empty selection, but restore the user's ... # selection when we are done. """ existing =, long=True) or [] try: if args or kwargs:*args, **kwargs) yield existing finally: if existing:, replace=True) else:
@contextlib.contextmanager def delete(*to_delete, **kwargs): """A context manager that deletes nodes after exiting. :param args: Passed to ``cmds.delete``. :param kwargs: Passed to ``cmds.delete``. A list of the nodes to delete will be bound to the target of the with statement. Changes to that list will be applied. Example:: >>> with delete() as to_delete: ... # Create temporary nodes and register them in to_delete. This is useful when creating temporary nodes, and registering them for deletion after the context is exited, even if the process failed. """ # Make it mutable. to_delete = list(to_delete) try: yield to_delete finally: if to_delete: cmds.delete(*to_delete) _suspend_depth = 0 @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs]def suspend_refresh(): """A context mananger that stops the graph from running or the view updating. Can be nested, where only the outermost context manager will resume refresing. :: >>> with suspend_refresh(): ... do_something_with_high_drawing_cost() .. seealso:: There are caveats with disabling the refresh cycle. Be sure to read about :cmds:`refresh`. """ global _suspend_depth try: if not _suspend_depth: cmds.refresh(suspend=True) _suspend_depth += 1 yield finally: _suspend_depth -= 1 if not _suspend_depth: cmds.refresh(suspend=False)
[docs]class progress(object): """A context manager to assist with the global progress bar. :param str status: The status message. :param int max: The maximum value. :param int min: The minimum value. :param bool cancellable: If the process is cancellable. If the process is cancellable, you must periodically check :meth:`.was_cancelled` to see if the user did cancel the action. You must be more defensive in your programming than normal since this must allow the main event loop to process user events. :: with progress("Testing", max=100, cancellable=True) as p: for i in range(100): if p.was_cancelled(): cmds.warn('You cancelled the process!') break time.sleep(0.02) p.update(i, 'Testing %d of 100' % (i + 1)) """ def __init__(self, status, max=100, min=0, cancellable=False): self._status = status self._min = min self._max = max self._cancellable = cancellable self._was_cancelled = False
[docs] def step(self, size=1): """Increment the value.""" cmds.progressBar(self._bar, edit=True, step=size)
[docs] def update(self, value=None, status=None, min=None, max=None): """Update the value and status.""" self._status = status or self._status self._min = min or self._min self._max = max or self._max kwargs = {'progress': value} if value is not None else {} cmds.progressBar(self._bar, edit=True, status=self._status, minValue=self._min, maxValue=self._max, **kwargs )
[docs] def was_cancelled(self, max_time=0.01): """Check if the user requested the action be cancelled. :param float max_time: The maximum number of seconds to spend in the main event loop checking for user actions. :returns bool: True if the user requested the action be cancelled. """ if not self._cancellable: return False if self._was_cancelled: return self._was_cancelled # Allow the main thread to process events for just a little bit so that # it may catch the escape key. QtGui.QApplication.instance().processEvents(QtCore.QEventLoop.ExcludeSocketNotifiers, max_time) self._was_cancelled = cmds.progressBar(self._bar, query=True, isCancelled=True) return self._was_cancelled
[docs] def show(self): """Show the progress bar.""" main_bar = mel.eval('$tmp = $gMainProgressBar') self._bar = cmds.progressBar(main_bar, edit=True, beginProgress=True, status=self._status, minValue=self._min, maxValue=self._max, isInterruptable=self._cancellable, )
[docs] def hide(self): """Hide the progress bar.""" cmds.progressBar(self._bar, edit=True, endProgress=True)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.hide()